The automatic processor (see figure 3-3) is used by most dental treatment facilities. Following exposure, the film is unwrapped in the darkroom and immediately loaded into the automatic processor. The unit consists of rollers and compartments filled with chemical solutions through which the film advances. At the end of the processing cycle, the film is released. The cycle duration varies from 4 to 6 minutes.

     a. Preventive Maintenance. Preventive maintenance is the key for keeping this machine operational. The operator must adhere to the daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance schedule as prescribed by the manufacturer.

Figure 3-3. Automatic processor.

b. Operation. There are several automatic processors on the market today. Each machine has a slightly different design as well as maintenance and operational requirements. Therefore, you must consult the operator's manual; otherwise a very expensive piece of equipment may be damaged.

Dental X-rays
For Informational Purposes Only - Based On US Army Dental Training
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