Answer the following exercises by marking the lettered response that best answers the question or best completes the incomplete statement or by writing the answer in the space provided.

After you have completed all the exercises, turn to "Solutions to Exercises" at the end of the lesson and check your answers.

1. Define the term "element" as used in radiation biology.



2. The nucleus of an atom contains protons, which have a _______________charge.

3. Electrons, which are __________________charged, revolve around the nucleus.

4. How are molecules formed?_______________________________________________________________

4. How are molecules formed?_______________________________________________________________

5. Electromagnetic rays that are produced in the x-ray tube head when electrons from the cathode filament strike the anode target are called:


6. The photons transfer their energy to the substance through which they pass whether it be ________________, ___________________, or

______________ of the patient or the specialist.

7. What happens if a photon strikes the nucleus of an atom?_______________________________________________________________


8. When an electron is dislodged from its orbit due to a direct hit by a photon, what is the departing electron then called?


9. At what stage of pregnancy does radiation pose the greatest danger to an unborn child?


SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXERCISES 10 THROUGH 16. One item from Column A is closely related to or associated with an item in Column B.
Select the correct associated term in Column B and write the letter in the blank space at the left of the number in Column A.


__10.    A complex substance formed by a chemical union or
              two or more elements.

__11.    The smallest unit of an element that still retains the
              properties of that element.

__12.    The smallest unit of a compound.

__13.    This would normally be found in an atom.

__14.    The maximum number of electrons that can be held in                the K shell.

__15.    Harmful somatic effects of overexposure to radiation.

__16.    One toxic hydrogen-oxygen compound.

a. protons, neutrons, electrons

b. two

c. compound

d. hydrogen peroxide

e. molecule

f. erythema, cataract, cancer

g. atom

h. three

i. erythema, cataract, canker sores

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