Several factors must be considered in the placement and stabilization of intraoral film packets to achieve satisfactory results.

a. Ensure that the film is positioned correctly.

b. Center the film lingual to the tooth/teeth (except the bicuspid) being radiographed.

c. Avoid movement of the film during exposure.

d. In placing the film packet in the mouth, avoid contact between the film and oral tissues until the film is in approximately the desired position. Many patients tend to gag when film is moved along in contact with oral tissues. Patience and gentleness will help to reduce gagging. Allowing anesthetic lozenges to dissolve on the tongue before film is placed in the mouth is sometimes helpful. Instructing the patient to breathe deeply through the nose also aids in controlling the gag reflex.

Dental X-rays
For Informational Purposes Only - Based On US Army Dental Training
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